List of My Few Favourite Animes: 
1. Perfect Blue
2. Wicked City
3. Your Name
4. Princess Mononoke
5. Tokyo Godfathers
6. Millennium Actress
7. Ghost in the Shell
8. Ocean Waves

Anime Shows :
1. Dragonball, Dragonbal Z and Dragonball Supar
2. Naruto and Naruto Shipuden
3. Death Note
4. Golden Boy
5. Prison School
6. Monster
7. Capeta
8. Great Teacher Onizuka
1. Perfect Blue
2. Wicked City
3. Your Name
4. Princess Mononoke
5. Tokyo Godfathers
6. Millennium Actress
7. Ghost in the Shell
8. Ocean Waves
Theres so much more I can't write here. If you are an anime lover, go and watch them from the list (if you haven't already). You will not be dissapointed.

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